broke white men
Truth is, broke white men are the worst kind of predators, because they weaponize their brokenness against you.
I consider myself anti-capitalist, so why the heck shouldn’t I date broke men? The answer, put simply: because they suck. They suck, and they will suck the life out of you before you can have a look at your ever shrinking bank account. You think my pov is problematic? Ok, hear me out.
Broke white men often claim to be some sort of Marxist, when in fact, they’re mostly freeloaders who hope to find a single woman who owns their own apartment they can crash at.
They are not broke, because they wanna “change the system”, do charity work or engage in activism. They aren’t broke because they’ve experienced discrimination, racism, sexism or trauma.
They are broke, because they have no interest in providing for themselves, yet their friends or love interests. They are broke, because they’re spoiled little brats whose mommies and daddies send them paychecks every month until they’re 30, while still living in a WG – as if that alone makes you a socialist lol.
But hey! Isn’t it kinda hot when he’s not catering to a system we all disagree with? No, because he is still profiting from it, just indirectly, without contributing anything meaningful to your life, his parents' lives, your child’s life, or society. Go, ask his friends if he’s ever stuck to the cleaning rota or planned a community event. The answer is, very likely: nope.
“I hate to say it but I defo won‘t date broke bitches anymore” a friend of mine texted me recently and I couldn’t help but wonder why successful women tend to end up with goddamn useless losers. I almost wrote “users”, because that’s what they are, in the end. More often than not a man's bank balance is the manifestation of his sense of responsibility, or, well, lack thereof.
If you have made yourself a name and can pay your own bills, it’s kinda natural to expect the same of your significant other, so when they fail to do exactly that, you start to wonder: What the heck is going on with this man child? And yet, instead of throwing him out, you casually start inviting him to your vacation, because … you can. You are a strong, independent woman with $$$. Love don’t cost a thing, right?
But what are we, as feminists, really signaling with that?
That we like to provide for someone who isn’t capable of ever providing for us?
That we’re saving men money in patriarchy?
That we like being used and exploited?
Regularly paying a man’s dinner isn’t “feminist”, it’s stupid.
Truth is, broke white men are the worst kind of predators, because they weaponize their brokenness against you, so you can pity them for their lack of success in basically … any kind of area of their life. And it would be fine, technically, if they were fine with it, but most of them don’t actually want to be broke and “live a minimalist” life.
They simply didn’t take chances offered to them, or thought they were the only middle-class exception who could deny the fact that we are still living in capitalism. Useless men, forever living in denial.
No bro, I won’t remind you of paying your rent on the 7th, because you’re late again. I wouldn’t have ever given you a rental contract in the first place.
I certainly won’t pay for a man’s existence in my life.
It's the white man’s privilege that lets him get away with his inferiority, without society questioning it. No broke white men I ever met got sanctioned for his unwillingness to live an adult life. They go out, date, drink, fuck, buy luxurious products while making dept, never considering the damage they are causing to their surrounding by being financially unstable.
Ladies, it’s time to up our game and not provide for losers any longer. I can speak from experience when I say that broke white men haven’t contributed to my life, whatsoever. First, it’s them being broke, later it’s them asking you for money, and then it’s them moving in with you for free – if you’re not careful. Happens to the best!
I know more than a handful of beautiful, intelligent women who ended up with rich kids who still couldn’t or wouldn’t pay rent. It’s an insult, and it makes both of you look ugly.
No relationship can survive that.